
Blob monster legends wiki
Blob monster legends wiki

blob monster legends wiki blob monster legends wiki

Eastern media tends to depict them as cute gum-drop like blobs with bright colors and small Black Bead Eyes when cute, and dark or harsh colors and jagged mouths when evil. Their appearance will also vary depending on the work, as well as whether they are supposed to be cute or disgusting. Possibly acidic, how it is usually defeated varies between each work, whether by being frozen, or melted, or blown up, or squished, or by heroes who taking advantage of its chemical composition, or other creative methods. Sometimes based on jellyfish, amoebas and similar invertebrates (or, in sillier cases, gelatinous desserts), this creature can be found throughout speculative fiction environments. How tough they are varies, whether they're Nigh-Invulnerable, or ludicrously fragile. Amorphous due to their unique (lack of) anatomy, these creatures range from mindless eating machines to tricky shape-shifters or something in between. "Gelatinous Cube," Neverwinter Nights: HotU websiteīlob monsters.

Blob monster legends wiki